

Mice are hardy little creatures so you may want to know a bit more about what makes them tick. House mice can mainly be found in close contact to humans.

Outside, they can:

  • Under wood piles or timber that is not frequent used
  • Under bushes and vines and in tall thick grass
  • In appliances and old furniture that has been left outside and is not being used
  • In and around rubbish that has been left out
  • In holes or gaps under buildings

Inside they will happily make their homes:

  • Inside the insulation of walls or ceilings
  • In or behind cupboards, counters and bathtubs
  • Near the boiler
  • In basements or attics where things like cardboard and cloth are stored

Rather than their stereotype of being cheese lovers, the foods most favoured by the house mouse are cereals, biscuits and chocolate. When in the house mice will eat almost anything not sealed in an air-tight container. House mice largely get the moisture they need from their food so do not need to seek out water.

What Attracts Mice

In a word, food. Mice are masters at finding any scrap of food in and around your home, but their favourites are:

  • Uncollected rubbish and litter
  • Food for pets and birds that has been left out and not eaten
  • Fruits and berries that have fallen to the ground
  • Untended compost piles
  • Discarded food

Do I have a mouse problem?

You will know that you’ve got a mouse problem when you see, hear or smell:

  • Droppings (typically around five millimetres long) found near food sources
  • Scratching noises
  • Evidence of gnawing
  • Burrows or nests
  • You may also notice a strong musky odour

Are mice harmful?

If they enter into the home wild mice may carry parasites and diseases that are harmful to humans and animals including:

  • Salmonella
  • Listeria

Another significant problem is the structural damage mice can cause from their gnawing and burrowing activities. This ranges from minor holes in walls/doors/furniture/cupboards to structural collapse, flooding, electrical faults and fire (due to gnawing through cables).

Things you may not know about mice:

  • Mice are not incontinent, but they do scent-mark pathways and territories
  • A mouse’s teeth grow continuously and are worn down by gnawing on hard surfaces and by working them against each other (known as bruxing)
  • Mice are excellent climbers and can swim if necessary, although they tend to avoid water
  • Mice are crepuscular, meaning that they are most active at twilight (dawn and dusk), although they can sometimes be seen during the day
  • They have poor eyesight and are colour blind but have acute hearing and a good sense of smell and taste
  • Mice are capable of reproducing from four weeks old and have an average litter size of 9-12 young
  • The average life expectancy of a house mouse is 9-12 months

If you think you may have a problem with mice then please contact us at Pesky Critters for a free survey.